The Top 5 First Astronauts on the Moon

  Astronaut Mission Dates Time Spent on Moon's Surface Lunar Module
1 Neil Alden Armstrong July 16th to July 24th, 1969 2 hours and 32 minutes Apollo 11
2 Edwin Eugene Aldrin, Jr. July 16th to July 24th, 1969 2 hours 15 minutes Apollo 11
3 Charles Conrad Jr. November 14th to November 24th, 1969 7 hours 45 minutes Apollo 12
4 Alan LaVern Bean November 14th to November 24th, 1969 7 hours 45 minutes Apollo 12
5 Alan Bartlett Shepard, Jr. January 31 to Febuary 9th, 1971 9 hours 23 minutes Apollo 14
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 Special Report
  1. Since 1969 there have been only 6 human explorations of the moon.
  2. The Astronauts had to swallow their toothpaste after brushing their teeth because there was nowhere to spit it out.
  3. Astronauts sleep less in space and snore louder because their faces are full of fluid.
  4. The weight of an Apollo 11 spacesuit was 183 pounds (83 kilos) on Earth and 31 pounds (18 kilos) on the Moon.
  5. Ohio, a state that makes up only 3% of the population of the United States, has produced 24 astronauts.
Tags: Space & The Universe

Sources:  Top 5 of Anything research.

List Notes: 
First Astronauts on the Moon

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