Business, Finance & Industry,
The Economy,
Top 5 Highest,
The United States,
Sources: Fraser Institute; Measuring Labour Markets in Canada and the United States: 2012 Edition.
List Notes: Data measure the top 5 labour performance from the years 2007 to 2011.
The Index of Labour Market Performance assesses the performance of the 10 provincial and 50 U.S. state labour markets across five indicators:
1. Average total employment growth (2007–2011).
2. Average private-sector employment growth (2007–2011).
3. Average unemployment rate (2007–2011).
4. Average duration of unemployment (2007–2011).
5. Average GDP per worker (2006–2010).
Each indicator is standardized so that the lowest possible score is zero and the highest possible score is 10. The scores of the five indicators are then averaged, with all five indicators given equal weighting, to obtain an overall score ranging from zero to 10. The jurisdictions are then ranked according to their final score.