The Top 5 Largest Oceans & Seas on Earth

  Name Area
(sq km)
(sq miles)
Average depth
1 The Pacific Ocean 166,243,550 64,186,993 4,028 m/
13,215 ft
2 The Atlantic Ocean 86,558,900 33,420,578 3,926 m/
12,880 ft
3 The Indian Ocean 73,429,850 28,351,423 3,963 m/
13,002 ft
4 The Southern Ocean 20,329,000 7,849,070 4,000 - 5,000 m/
13,123 ft
5 The Arctic Ocean 13,226,875 5,106,924 1,205 m/
3,953 ft
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 Special Report
  1. In the year 2000, the International Hydro-graphic Organization created The Southern Ocean which became the fifth world ocean. This new ocean is made up of the southern portions of the Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, and Pacific Ocean. The Southern Ocean completely surrounds Antarctica.
Tags: Geography, Water, Top 5 Largest

Sources:  Top 5 of Anything Research 2015.

List Notes: Data is the top 5 oceans and seas on planet Earth ranked according to area. Figures are approximate.
Largest Oceans & Seas on Earth

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