The Top 5 Global Drug Seizures by Type

  Type of Drug Seizures
1 Coca leaf 3,304 metric tonnes
2 Cocaine 705 metric tonnes
3 Opium 384 metric tonnes
4 Heroin 58 metric tonnes
5 Morphine 46 metric tonnes
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  1. Seizures of opium and morphine grew 10% and 31% respectively in 2006, reflecting continued production increases in Afghanistan. Heroin seizures, however, stabilized in 2006.
  2. Following five straight years of expansion, the quantity of cocaine seized fell by 5% in 2006. This is consistent with the stabilization of overall cocaine production in the 2004 to 2006 period.
  3. The global non-drug using population between the ages of 15-64 is estimated to be 4.064 billion people or 95.1% of the world population. Problem drug users are estimated to be about 24 million people or 0.6% of the world population.
  4. Estimates of cannabis herb production show a slight decline for the second straight year in 2006, seeming to reverse the upward trend that began in the early 1990s. Global cannabis herb production is now estimated to be 41,400 mt, down from 42,000 mt in 2005 and 45,000 in 2004.
  5. Approximately 208 million people or 4.9 % of the world's population aged 15 to 64 have used drugs at least once in the last 12 months.
Top 5 facts sources:
  1. United Nations Publications (2008). "United Nations World Drug Report". Retrieved November 2010.
Tags: Drug & Alcohol Statistics, Crime & Punishment Statistics

Sources:  United Nations World Drug Report 2008

List Notes: Data is for the year 2006 and is in metric tonnes. This list does not include cannabis seizures.
Global Drug Seizures by Type

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